News is people. ---Harold Evans

News is people. ---Harold Evans

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Up Is Down

Like in the movie The Pirates of the Caribbeans, only when Captain Jack Sparrow sees the world in another way and understands that up is down, can he save his crew and the Black Pearl out of the end of the world. The same idea can be applied to the progress of a student from the academia towards journalism. This is what I have learned today, a big lesson.

Two years ago, when I came to the UK the first time as an exchange student, I found it really difficult to get used to the life in an European country, which was totally different from what I was familiar with. It took me practically three to four weeks to put myself on the right track. It was a long and tough progress. Now I discover that it is even a longer and tougher progess for me to adapt to a totally different study pattern.

As a journalist, you need to ask, to explore, to learn by doing, and of course, to be ready for feeling frustration. For a person who is not that outgoing, this is really hard. Last week on high street I tried to ask a Liverpool fan about his comment on the club, I learned my first lesson: "Sorry, I'm busy."

Things becomes even worse when you are surrounded by people who used to work in he industry. All their activeness and passion are what I need. Furthermore, the peer pressure is just something that you cannot ignore.After all, we all need to try finding a job.  

But just as a good journalist should do when confronting with difficulties, what to do for the next step is get a way around it. And there is always a way. 


  1. thats a great way to look at things n just b urself, remember that those who have worked too started as students sometime..they too had the same fears, but just love the job n rest will follow

  2. Yes, thank you so much for saying these, b/c these words are so encouraging!
