News is people. ---Harold Evans

News is people. ---Harold Evans

Monday 18 October 2010

A new flavour of journalism

Journalism is a broad subject, under which there are many specialists, such as sports, travel, business and so forth. Just like selling normal goods, there is a trend of pursuing a niche market, which guarantees that everyone get what he/she wants. So is the situation for journalism. An important part of journalism is to sell news, e.g. to attract readers in order to reach as many people as possible. This may be why there are so many different specialists under the subject of journalism.

Today we've been introduced a new way of writing stories. Today's subject is lifestyle journalism. I myself am even not sure what lifestyle is, but one thing that I am sure is that it is everywhere in our life.

For journalists, it is important to notice that the way of writing and structuring a story is quite different form that of a news story or even a news feature. Concerning lifestyle writing, you must show your passion with attractive words. Impartiality and fairness can sometimes even be compromised, which can not be imaged in the context of news writing.

I would say that to write articles with a different style is really a funny thing. To taste this new flavour of journalism is like to find a brand new part of my brain.

Below is my work in the class, which may probably make some sense. In this article I covered the Portobello Market, one of London's most famous market and a tourist spot now.

Are you bored on Saturday? Then going to one of London’s most famous (and some say the world famous!) markets is a good choice. Every Saturday form 8 am to 5 pm, London’s Portobello market will never let you down. Get ready for a feast for your eyes, nose and even those greedy taste buds!

It is better be a clear and sunny day, as you will not want to ruin your good mood – though this does not happen regularly in London.

So now we have a good weather. What else? Probably patience, but sometimes we also need tolerance. Portobello market is growing almost as a tourist spot. The bright side is the atmosphere of every Saturday on the Portobello Road will be incredibly fantastic. But the dark side is, you almost cannot avoid floods of people.

Then comes the shining part of the market. If you are a fan of boutiques that sell various goods, then Portobello market is your paradise. From books to cooking wares, from paintings to leather products, you name it. If you are just a window shopper, it might even be too dazzling.

Now you’ve seen loads of interesting boutiques. It’s time for some refreshments. Foods and drinks are never in short on Saturday’s Portobello Road. Something that is worthy to try is the Spanish paella. Choices can be made between chicken and seafood flavour, either of which will simply bring your stomach into heaven.

What about some street show? Street artists bring their original work to the market, enriching the atmosphere with some sounds of Muses.

Answering the call of nature can be a small problem at Portobello Market. Public toilets do exist but normally they are either hard to be found or far away. A tip is to try to go to those bars at the street side.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Up Is Down

Like in the movie The Pirates of the Caribbeans, only when Captain Jack Sparrow sees the world in another way and understands that up is down, can he save his crew and the Black Pearl out of the end of the world. The same idea can be applied to the progress of a student from the academia towards journalism. This is what I have learned today, a big lesson.

Two years ago, when I came to the UK the first time as an exchange student, I found it really difficult to get used to the life in an European country, which was totally different from what I was familiar with. It took me practically three to four weeks to put myself on the right track. It was a long and tough progress. Now I discover that it is even a longer and tougher progess for me to adapt to a totally different study pattern.

As a journalist, you need to ask, to explore, to learn by doing, and of course, to be ready for feeling frustration. For a person who is not that outgoing, this is really hard. Last week on high street I tried to ask a Liverpool fan about his comment on the club, I learned my first lesson: "Sorry, I'm busy."

Things becomes even worse when you are surrounded by people who used to work in he industry. All their activeness and passion are what I need. Furthermore, the peer pressure is just something that you cannot ignore.After all, we all need to try finding a job.  

But just as a good journalist should do when confronting with difficulties, what to do for the next step is get a way around it. And there is always a way.